Indian weddings are splendid affairs with several different rituals that take place on the days leading up to the big day itself. This means that there is a considerable amount of planning to do, and this should really be started months before the wedding in order to ensure that everything goes perfectly and that nothing is forgotten or left out, particularly the Indian wedding decorations.
Unless money is no object, you will need to set a budget. Obviously, everyone will want to impart their own ideas, but there comes a point when you have to make a decision about what is going to be included, especially in Indian wedding decorations which are a major consideration. Once that is decided you can then make a check list – and it is going to be a long one – of all the individual things which need to be covered. Only then can you really allocate a budget for each item keeping your fingers crossed that it won’t be too far over the top of the total that you had in mind. Usually, it will be well over the top, so you may have to cut out some items and adjust others so that it becomes somewhere near to affordable.
Once you have finalised the check list, then you can start to take action, making sure that everything that needs to be covered for each item is taken care of before you cross it off the list. In many cases, it may be a good idea to have a sub-check list for some of the larger items that have a lot of different things that need to be done.
One of the major decisions in Indian wedding decorations is the central colour scheme. Over the years it has become more important to have a central theme and all the wedding decorations are linked to it, although various accent colours can be incorporated to enhance the overall theme colour. Then everything is arranged around the chosen theme colour, from the wedding invitations to the mandap to the wedding stage. This gives an overall impression of cohesion and a well-planned event.
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