Some Things To Consider When Planning Your Wedding

If you have recently become engaged, then congratulations! However, you are now faced with a problem, and that is all the planning for the big day. There are lots of venues from which to choose in and around London, and the one that you settle on will be determined partly by how many guests you are planning to invite and how many the venue can cater for. If you are only going to have 50 or so guests, you will obviously need a smaller venue than if you plan on inviting 300. 

However, there is another thing to take into consideration, and that is the type of reception that you are going to have. If you are going to have a full-blown sit-down meal, the tables and chairs will take up more space than if you are having a buffet style cocktail party type where you can get more guests into the same amount of space.

Another thing to take into consideration, if you are having an outside do, is the weather. Nobody really knows what the weather is going to do next week, let alone in nine months’ time, so you need to ensure that the venue has enough space under cover or indoors in the case of rain.

When do you book your venue? Many couples actually book the venue between 12 and 18 months before the event, especially if you want a Saturday. This is the most popular day of the week for weddings, although Fridays and Sundays are being chosen more often.

Another question to consider is the distance between the actual wedding venue and the reception venue, and how long the guests are going to have to wait while you have the photographs taken. It is not unusual for all the family photos to take an hour or so and then you have to travel to the reception venue so that needs to be taken into account. It may be a good idea to have a cocktail-style option for your guests at the reception venue so that they can have a drink while waiting for the bride and groom to arrive.

Of course, another big consideration is the wedding décor. There are many companies who specialise in wedding decorations in the UK and will produce amazing décor for the reception. While it does depend on your budget, the thinking is often “the bigger the better”, and it is certainly true that you can spend a small fortune if you are not careful, so it is best to work out a budget for wedding decorations in the UK with the wedding décor company and stick to it as closely as you can.
